create impact
through European projects
Personal approach • Clear advice • Training and Coaching
My expertise and talent lie in the coordination and management of complex European projects. My passion is to support social profit organisations in this, so that they can fulfil their social mission and generate impact through targeted project and process support..
I always start with a needs analysis of the organisation and the stakeholders with whom I work.
I support organisations step by step towards the ultimate delivery of an effectively feasible project, that is in line with the objectives of the particular funding programme.
My full expertise comprises:
I am happy to work with your organisation to develop abstract project ideas into concrete project proposals. I take into account the specific European project funding challenges and requirements from the European Commission or the competent National Agency.
I also assist with reporting on progress, results and budget, so the project file is administratively and financially sound. I like to set things in motion, but I also like to finish them!
As an expert I carry out external evaluations for the Flemish national agencies of Erasmus+ and for European network organisations that need to officially evaluate their project or work programme externally.
I ensure an independent and balanced assessment, based on specific criteria and competencies, as well as targeted recommendations to the project applicant or organisation in question.
cooperation and networking
I am happy to help introduce and contact potential stakeholders such as foreign organisations, universities, European networks, etcetera. I also like to act as a liaison person for effective communication and cooperation between the various project partners.
I communicate transparently with colleagues from different departments or locations if I notice that the actors are not aligned when developing a proposal or implementing the project.
I strengthen the skills of project employees within your organisation by starting from what the employees themselves indicate where they are stuck and the direction they want to take, so that my advice and coaching are fully tailored to the person and the organisational context. In fact, inproof often offers support to multiple team members who work together on the project(proposal), so a productive dynamic is created.
writing a project application
Together, we will find a suitable funding programme for your project and we will prepare a project application, in line with the programme selection criteria.
My role varies according to your needs.
In addition to European projects, I also support social profit organisations in tenders for Flemish government services.
support in project implementation
With my strong organisation skills, I assist you in implementing your project. My flexible approach includes answering questions, small or large process improvements and concrete support for employees, for instance in budget management, project planning or as a process supervisor for Erasmus+ or ESF+ projects.
Again, my role varies according to your needs.
Apart from project assessments for national agencies, I also assess ongoing and
completed European projects.
My recommendations contribute to the growth of organisations and provide insight to
Een beoordeling houdt ook steeds rekening met de context waarin het project tot stand kwam.
For more information and specific questions about how inproof can support you:
over inproof.
Katrijn Dekoninck
- Since 2001, familiar with European subsidies and project management
- Work experience in the profit sector, mainly human resources and consultancy and in the social profit sector, mainly the sector of persons with a disability and inclusion
- Extensive experience in coordinating various small and large-scale projects, writing project applications for the social profit sector
- Assessment expert for the National Agencies for Erasmus+ Flanders (EPOS and JINT)
- Voluntary board member of the Movement of Persons with Low Income and Children (BMLIK) in Ghent
- Obtained a Master of Science degree in Public Management and Public Administration with distinction, at the University Ghent in 2019, also qualified in Communication Management, Translation and Interpreting
- Certified by the European Certification and Qualification Association (ECQA) as an EU Project Manager
- Married and two children
"With inproof, I am very happy to use my expertise and experience to find additional resources for organisations, so that they can optimise their services and create more impact.”
"I learned to know Katrijn Dekoninck (inproof) in the context of an EU funding grant application that she prepared together with us and an organisation for persons with disabilities. From the start of our work on the application, Katrijn proved to be a proactive, efficient and friendly but leading lady carefully pushing things forward with the deadline in mind. She organised well-prepared skype calls and meeting with all participants to discuss goals, possibilities and expectations, but also how writing the application and work afterwards would best be handled from an organisational point of view – also to prevent surprises between the partners. While we did not really have much time to write and submit the application, it seemed to me very ambitious to get everything done in time. Due to Katrijn’s involvement, her constantly keeping an eye on the planning, her communication skills and her ability to contact (potential) partners and inform other stakeholders, we succeeded to submit a good application in time. We very much enjoyed our collaboration with Katrijn and inproof and for me she has proven to be a really professional. We are already looking forward to starting the project together!"
Prof. Paul Enzlin, MSc., PhD, Institute for family and sexuality studies
University of Leuven
“Katrijn stond de hogeschool Odisee bij in het uitwerken van een projectaanvraag. Haar bijdrage heeft er toe geleid dat we tijdig een kwaliteitsvolle aanvraag konden indienen. Katrijn werkt op een correcte manier en heeft voldoende oog voor detail. Ze is een initiatiefneemster en aarzelt niet om nieuwe contacten te raadplegen of informatie op te zoeken om onduidelijkheden op te helderen. Door haar proactieve houding konden we er op rekenen de deadlines te halen. Katrijn is iemand waarop je kan rekenen en waarmee het ook fijn is om samen te werken.”
University College Odisee
“Toen we een grootschalig ESF+ project startten, zochten we iemand om het financieel-administratief luik mee op te volgen gezien het groot aantal partners en de complexiteit. We kwamen uit bij Katrijn van inproof. Door de ondersteuning van Katrijn weet ik dat de opvolging van de financiële administratie in goede handen is, wat een grote meerwaarde betekent voor mij als coördinator voor opvolging van het volledige project. Katrijn denkt steeds constructief mee, heeft aandacht voor een verantwoorde inzet van de middelen en is flexibel inzetbaar. We hebben bij de samenwerking met Katrijn ook de intrinsieke interesse in het project ervaren en haar oog voor onze persoonlijke noden, samen met de wil en zoektocht om ons daarin zo goed mogelijk te ondersteunen vanuit een professionele maar ook diepmenselijke houding.”
Saskia Hart
Coördinator HR Dienstverlening bij de Vereniging voor Social Profit Ondernemingen (Verso)
Website Brake/Out!
“In het kader van de nieuwe strategie 2017-2023 van de Raad van Europa rond handicap, stelde inproof een studie samen over bewustmaking van de rechten van personen met een beperking.”
The publication is available online
Publication Council of Europe
“Voor het vak Project Management binnen de opleiding Office Management zochten we voor onze studenten van Hogent naar een case die de link met de praktijk zou leggen. Zo zouden zij concreet een project kunnen uitwerken en dat toetsen aan de werkelijkheid. Katrijn van inproof schreef een case study voor onze groep en kwam die voorstellen in de ruimere context van competentiemanagement, sociaal ondernemen en Europees project management. Tijdens de opdracht bleef ze ook beschikbaar voor de studenten voor vragen en tips. Ze maakte ook deel uit van de jury om de uitwerking van de case te evalueren. Deze ervaring verrijkt onze studenten en betekent een meerwaarde voor hun cv.”
Teacher Project Management
Aditi vzw
“Ik had het grote genoegen om met Katrijn en inproof samen te werken in mijn hoedanigheid van Beleidsmanager van de European Union of the Deaf. Als onderdeel van onze verplichting om te rapporteren over onze werkingssubsidie aan de Europese Commissie in het kader van het Citizens, Equality, Rights and Value Programma, hadden we een evaluatierapport nodig van een externe beoordelaar waarin de implementatie van ons werkprogramma werd beoordeeld. In die context vond onze samenwerking met inproof plaats. Katrijn toonde zich een zeer professionele consultant, die zinvolle inzichten verschafte, deadlines respecteerde en een kwalitatief hoogwaardig rapport afleverde. Ik was ook tevreden over haar ethiek en zal opnieuw met haar samenwerken als de gelegenheid zich voordoet.”
Alexandre Bloxs – Beleidsmanager van de European Union of the Deaf.
Frequently Asked Questions.
What are the benefits of working together with inproof?
I start from what you, as an organisation, would like to achieve with a project idea, while I ask critical questions to focus on the idea or goal. We make clear agreements and provide each other with honest feedback during the cooperation process, so that every stakeholder becomes stronger and wiser .
During project implementation I respond to problems and questions that arise during the process, as a result of which people are no longer on the same page. The need for this is often underestimated in more complex projects with partners from different countries and cultures.
What are the rates and the duration of inproof’s services?
The rate depends on your demand and needs, so it will be discussed individually with you as a client. For small assignments, I work on an hourly basis, for larger ones I work on a half-day basis. The duration also depends on the type of project or the nature of cooperation that is on the table. We will discuss this together.
Does inproof also offer long-term cooperation opportunities or only specific project support?
In addition to short-term assignments, inproof certainly also offers support for multiannual projects. When both parties are satisfied, there is an added value in continuing the cooperation over several years. This also benefits the project partners in terms of recognition and trust.
Are there also European subsidy opportunities for small non-profit organisations?
There are European subsidy opportunities for every type of social profit organisation. It depends on what you want to achieve and how, and which values or broader themes you put forward, to determine which specific funding programme fits your project.
Does inproof also offer group training?
Inproof can certainly be an added value for group training if you, as an umbrella organisation with members from different locations or countries, want to set up writing sessions or project workshops to achieve concrete results.
international project office
Katrijn Dekoninck
ECQA Certified EU Project Manager
Phone: +32 (0)477/22 79 68
VAT BE0553 663 825